The Family Truckster

The Family Truckster

Friday, January 13, 2006

Brokevow Mountain

No one in the Church, I would put forth, has been surprised by the barrage of positive PR oozing out of Hollywood in support of its latest attempt to unfasten the moral fiber of our society--the homoerotic filth from Ang Lee known as 'Brokeback Mountain.'

Lost in the justified furor by many professing Christians is the heart of the plot of the film. Say what you will about its glorification of a perverse and aberrant lifestyle, I have heard not one voice speak to another (almost more glaring) aspect--the main characters, whilst carrying on their long sodomitic journey, are betraying their wives and families. That's right, queer or not, they are SERIAL ADULTERERS! Has that escaped the notice of most folks?

In my opinion, the pro-homo agenda is enough to keep me as far away from any theatre showing that film as possible; but the manner in which the adultery is accepted (or at best unnoticed) is alarming to me. I am afraid that, if it were a man and a woman involved (wouldn't that be refreshing in and of itself?), the movie would have slipped under the radar and evoked no controversy at all--and that is what is really sad.

The Church will, apparently, tolerate Hollyweird's incessant glorification of lust, fornication, and adultery with nary a peep. (How else do we account for the millions of dollars these films make?)


Barn Cat said...

It kind of makes you wonder why Hollywood doesn't glorify other deviances. Why doesn't someone produce a "loving and senstive" movie about pedophiles? Why not a well-crafted film about beastiality? Could it be that such things are outside of Hollywood's standards? If so, then Hollywood half-wits have no complaint against anyone's standards, and the only question is, whose standards will prevail? My theory is that someone in Hollywood would love to make mainstream-distributed films about pedophilia and beastiality, but they know the public wouldn't tolerate such AT THIS TIME. *Brokebutt Mountain* is just one small incremental step towards widely distributed films about any sort of deviance one can imagine.

By the way, I completely agree with your assessment of the film's plot. Great posting.

ninepoundhammer said...

It's coming, Bart's definately coming.