The Family Truckster

The Family Truckster

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

A Thorn By Any Other Name

Call it what you will but Reginald Dwight (Elton John) DID NOT get married to-day. To be sure, he garnered inumerable headlines and a modicum of pseudo-legitimacy for his faggotry from the post-Christian government of England but, whatever that dog-and-pony-show across the Pond was--it was most certainly NOT a wedding.

Marriage is an institution created, ordained, fostered, and DEFINED by God. No matter how much reprobates and apostates may insist it is a marriage, that no more makes it so than (to borrow from C. S. Lewis) a mad man can put out the sun by scribbling the word 'Darkness' repeatedly on the walls of his cell.

1 comment:

ninepoundhammer said...

A woman in my office brought it up yesterday--merely to get a reaction.

She got one, alright.