The Family Truckster

The Family Truckster

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Does U-Haul Rent Horses and Buggies?

'... the elder and honored man is the head, and the prophet who teaches lies is the tail; for those who guide this people have been leading them astray, and those who are guided by them are swallowed up.' ~ Isaiah 9:15, 16

Ron Paul takes third in the Illinois Republican Straw Poll!!

Gracie Mae is A LOT like her mama:

‘Bishop John Shelby Spong, a retired priest and long-time supporter of female and gay priests, was reportedly being snubbed by Anglicans in Sydney who have accused him of "gutting" the Christian faith in his latest book, entitled “Jesus for the Non-Religious.”’

‘Infrared video showed that California ground squirrels' tails warmed by several degrees, up to 28 degrees Celsius (82 degrees Fahrenheit), when threatened by northern Pacific rattlesnakes.’

‘Fifteen Christian families from a tiny community of only about 1,300 people are making plans to leave their homes and work behind so that their children will not be forced by the Canadian government to attend "sanctioned" schools where evolution is taught.’

‘Jones said he found the name Jesus used as an adjective with the F-word in one book. He found it ironic that schools allow such books, but not school prayer. "Guess you can only use God's name in a profane way," he said.’

‘An Estonian man who was caught driving a car even though he is blind has been at it again, police said on Monday, and this time he faces jail.’

OK--just try and guess which one is me:

All aboard the Ron Paul Juggernaut!!

‘…[W]ith one accord we turn to Almighty God, through Christ his Son, in humble petition for the forgiveness of whatever measure of corporate guilt may be ours with regard to the present international conflict, and, that our nation [sic], through repentance and faith in the Lord Jesus Christ may be so yielded to the Divine Plan, that we may be effectively used in helping to bring to the nations of the world a just and righteous peace. ~ Social Service Committee Recommendation, 1941 Southern Baptist Convention

‘Thursday was the first day of school for those who have paid NOK 12,000 in the hopes Princess Martha Louise can help teach them to contact angels.’

‘Church council member Bruno Deleau said the mural isn’t intended to be offensive.’ (Is this other than the fact that it violates the Second Commandment?)

‘Archeologists have discovered a footprint made by the sandal of a Roman soldier - one of the few such finds in the world - in a wall surrounding the Hellenistic-Roman city of Sussita, east of Lake Kinneret.’

I simply can’t understand how Rudy Giuliani continues to ride a wave of popularity among Republican/ conservative voters. He is pro-abortion, pro-homosexual rights, and anti-gun to say the least. This is not to mention that his current wife—his third—was his partner in the adulterous affair that ended his second marriage. Yet, he enjoys a great deal of support among evangelical Christians! Why is this when there is the perfect candidate in the race?!

Just in case you weren't certain:

1 comment:

Kierstyn said...

In reguards to your picture, I think that you are the kid in the front with the really big white smile. Am I good, or what?!?

Maybe it's because it's after midnight, but that picture made me laugh so hard!! Thanks!
