The Family Truckster

The Family Truckster

Thursday, August 30, 2007

Can I Give You a Reich?

'In the same way, the Lord commanded that those who proclaim the gospel should get their living by the gospel.' ~ I Corinthians 9:14

A buddy of mine at work told me a funny story yesterday that I thought I would share in the hopes of providing some 'chuckle time.'It seems that he asked his girlfriend to go to his house and take some fish out of the freezer to thaw and then he would grill it for them to eat when he got home from work. Now, my buddy is quite the sportsman, so I can only imagine the amount of venison and fish she had to wade through in his freezer. When she called him later at work he asked her if she had taken out the fish. She replied that she had and that she hoped she had taken out the right kind. When he asked her what she meant, she replied that she was pretty sure he didn't want her to take out the 'crappy' fish. After he stopped laughing, he told her that 'crappie' (pronounced croppy) is a type of fish--not how it tastes!

And now, this report from the Department of Legalism: ‘Most of the 56 owners in Berkshire E are Orthodox Jews barred for religious reasons from pushing the buttons on their elevator during the Sabbath, which runs from Friday evening to Saturday evening.’

Score one for modesty! ‘”I’m tired (of) looking at behinds,” Shreveport Councilwoman Joyce Bowman said after Tuesday’s 4-3 vote to ban fanny-flaunting trousers.’

‘Western sections of the Great Wall of China are being reduced to "mounds of dirt" by sandstorms and may disappear entirely in 20 years, a report said Wednesday.’

Well, knock me over with a feather! This sure is news to me!!--‘Ole Anthony, president of the Dallas-based Trinity Foundation, believes the Whites’ situation has “something to do with this ‘prosperity gospel,’” which he says results in many televangelists being treated like superstars and, as a result, losing their focus.’

Well, with gas prices as high as they are:

This article may make a lot of people angry. So, if you read it, don’t say I didn’t warn you.

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